Candidate Bio

Tina Hiotis, a proud VETERAN, spent years as a registered nurse and medical educator. When she left the medical field she became an independent contractor who specializes in finding and securing government grants for small to large businesses. This experience will be instrumental in bringing money into the budget that doesn't require tax increases. Tina would like to utilize both our Federal and State offices, working with them to help bring money to our community through grants. The more money she is able to secure, it lessens the need for personal property tax burdens. Tina is running with three other canidates hoping to be elected as well to Erie City Council as well Yevet Anderson, Anita Fay, and Kim Hunter The four of them compliment each other and some of the same visions of helping Veterans, homeless and our children. In electing this TEAM, you would be bringing multi faceted talents and experience.

It is the leadership and management skills that she developed and honed through her past endeavors that she will use to propel Erie towards a safer, brighter and more financially stable future for all citizens and businesses that call Erie home by prioritizing Erie First!